Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why Is Water Essential For Our Body?

Body Water (Picture from

Every living cell, whether plant or animal, depends upon water. More than half of our body is made up of water.

Every living being needs a certain amount of water because cells, the basic unit of living beings, have water molecules in them.

In a single day, we should take two quarter of water as fluids and one quarter as solid food. These solid food materials also contain varying amounts of water.

In our body, various organ systems communicate through blood, which has three quarters of water. Thus, water is essential for our survival.


Below Body Water info from Wikipedia (

In medicine, body water is all of the water content of the human body. A significant fraction of the human body is water. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight. Blood contains 95% water, body fat contains 14% water and bone has 43% water. Skin also contains much water. The human body is about 60% water in adult males and 55% in adult females.

In diseased states where body water is affected, the compartment or compartments that have changed can give clues to the nature of the problem. Body water is regulated by hormones, including anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide.

There are many methods to determine body water. One way to get a simple estimate is by calculation.

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