Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Do We Feel Hungry?


Hunger has nothing to do with an empty stomach, as is the common belief. Hunger begins when certain nutritive materials are missing in the blood.

When blood vessels do not have these materials, a message is sent to the ‘hunger centre’ of the brain which, works like a brake on the stomach and intestine. When there is lack of food, the hunger centre makes the stomach and intestine work more actively. Thus, we often her our stomach rumbling. When we are hungry, our body demands nourishment.

A very calm person can live longer without food than an excited person, because protein stored up in his body is used slowly.


Below Hunger info from Wikipedia (

Hunger is a feeling experienced when one has a desire to eat. Satiety is the absence of hunger. The often unpleasant feeling of hunger originates in the hypothalamus and is released through receptors in the liver. Although an average nourished individual can survive weeks without food intake,[1] the sensation of hunger typically begins after a couple of hours without eating and is generally considered quite uncomfortable. The sensation of hunger can often be alleviated and even mitigated entirely with the consumption of food. Hunger is also the most commonly used term to describe the social condition of people who frequently experience, or live with the threat of experiencing, the physical sensation of hunger.

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